
The first public version (v1.0) of the eDom software is now available for download.  

eDom is free software licensed under the GPL (v3) for non-commercial academic purposes.  For other uses, contact the authors.

Download / Install

Both the source code and standalone executable versions of eDom are available for download.  If you have MATLAB (version >= 2010a) installed, we recommend that you install the source code version.  This will allow you to interact with eDom as you would with any other MATLAB library or standalone package, manipulate and access the eDom variables directly and integrate them with your own code (particularly useful for power users), and generally take advantage of the most stable version of eDom.

Source Code


Requires MATLAB (version >= 2010a)

Size ~ 0.1 mb


Uncompress the downloaded file to a location of your choosing and make note of that directory name.  You can then add this directory to your MATLAB path to interact with the eDom source files directly.  To do so, you may either use the graphical interface (Menu-->File-->Set Path...) or via the 'addpath' command in the command line interface (type 'help addpath' in MATLAB for additional information).

Standalone Executable

The standalone executable version is broken down into two separate downloads. The first consists of the MATLAB component runtime (MCR) which is required to run the standalone software.  If you do not already have this installed on your system, you will need to install it before running eDom. 

If your operating system is not listed below

In principle, eDom can be run as a standalone executable on any operating system that runs a current version of MATLAB (2010a+).  However, to do so we require access to a machine running that operating system and with the MATLAB compiler installed so that we can compile eDom into a standalone application. Currently, binaries have been compiled into standalone executables for the major operating systems and versions listed below. Contact the authors with your operating system information if your system is not currently supported.

MATLAB Runtime Component (MCR)
(Required if not installed)

Note: It is possible that using an older OR more recent version of the MCR than that used when compiling the standalone binaries of eDom may prevent eDom from running successfully.  If you experience problems running the standalone version of eDom, please try reinstalling the MCR with one of the specific versions below. 

Note that by default the MCR may be installed to a common location for all users and may request 'administrator' or 'root' access when doing so.  Although you may choose to install the MCR at this location, it is not necessary, and you may install it for your own user account only and in your personal (home) directory.

Size ~ 200 mb

Version: MCR version 7.13, MATLAB 2010a

Version: MCR version 7.14.1, MATLAB 2010b; Compiler 4.14.1


Uncompress the archive and run the installer (win: MCRInstaller.exe; linux: MCRInstaller.bin; OSX: MCRInstaller.dmg).  Make note of the directory in which you install the MCR as you may need this information when running eDom.

Standalone Executable

Size ~ 0.1 mb

Version: Built with MCR version 7.13; MATLAB 2010a

Version: MCR version 7.14.1, MATLAB 2010b

Using eDom

To test the installation, see the instructions on Running eDom to run a simple demo norming experiment.  To run your own experiment, see Setup an Experiment.

Blair Armstrong, Natasha Tokowicz, David Plaut, 2011-