Simona Mancini


Group Leader - Ikerbasque Research Associate 2024-2029 (Former Ramon y Cajal Fellow since 2019-2024)

Keywords: visual and auditory sentence processing, second-language processing, syntax and discourse processing, aphasia.

Simona Mancini is a Ramón y Cajal Fellow and leader of the Neurolinguistics and Aphasia Group. She obtained her PhD in Cognitive Science from the University of Siena (Italy). Her scientific activity lies at the intersection between theoretical linguistics and cognitive neuroscience, focusing on core computational mechanisms and their processing correlates in adult speakers, but also second-language and language-impaired speakers using behavioral and neuro-imaging techniques. She also works on the development of computerized tools for the assessment of language impairment in aphasic patients. She has participated as a PI and collaborator in several research projects funded by national (MICIN, MINECO, Basque Government, BBVA Foundation) and international (NSF, EMBO) agencies. She has been visiting scholar at the University of La Laguna, University of Trento and IUSS (Institute of Advances University Studies, Pavia, Italia). The network of her active collaborations includes European (University of Siena, University of Trento, IUSS Pavia, University College London, and University of Stockholm), North American (University of Kansas) and Canadian universities (University of Toronto, McGill University).

Research group: Neurolinguistics and aphasia

+34 943 309 300 Ext.: 205