Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning
For information about Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning 2017 click here
We are pleased to announce the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, which will take place in San Sebastian, Spain June 25-27, 2015.
The conference will discuss statistical learning and its underlying mechanisms from behaviour to neuroscience, in various domains such as language, music, vision, and audition, with data from adult participants, development, individual differences, computational modeling, and non-human species.
The conference will include keynote speakers, regular talks, panel discussions, and poster sessions.
Selected papers presented at the conference will be the basis of an edited volume or a Special Issue.
- Richard Aslin - University of Rochester, USA
- Morten Christiansen - Cornell University, USA
- Elissa Newport - Georgetown University, USA
- Linda Smith - Indiana University, USA
- Nicholas Turk-Browne - Princeton University, USA
- Axel Cleermans- Université Libre de Bruxelles- Consciousness and implicit learning
- Rebecca Gomez- University of Arizona Development
- Barbara Knowlton- UCLA- Neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience
- Kenny Smith- University of Edinburgh- Evolution and cross-species comparisons
- Erik Thiessen- Carnegie-Melon University Computational Modeling
BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language.
- Abstract deadline:
- March 7th, 2015.
- Notification of abstract acceptance:
- March 27th, 2015.
- Early registration deadline:
- April 15th, 2015.
- Online registration deadline:
- May 15th, 2015.
- Conference dates:
- June 25 - 27, 2015
All talks will be 20 minutes in length except the theme speaker talks, which will be 30 minutes in length. We ask all speakers to reserve 5 minutes for questions.
In order to make sure that the oral sessions run on time, we would like to ask everyone to send their slides for the presentations in advance so that we can set up shared laptops for this purpose. The two laptops have the following configurations:
- LAPTOP_1: MS Windows7 Pro, MS Office Standard 2010 SP1, Adobe Reader XI 11.0.11, Windows Media Player 11, VLC 2.2.1
- LAPTOP_2: Mac OSX 10.10.3 Yosemite, MS Office 2011 for Mac, KeyNote 6.5.3, Adobe Reader XI 11.0.11, VLC 2.2.1, Quicktime 10.4.
Please upload your presentation using the following link: at least ONE DAY before the talks so that we can test whether they work.
Please name the presentation according to the oral session the presentation is for (e.g.: OS-2.3 for Oral Session 2, third presentation). The presentations will be loaded in both computers .
Also note that during the registration, coffee and lunch breaks, presenters will be able to test their presentations for the upcoming session.
On site Registration
On line registration is now closed. ON SITE registration will be very limited and we cannot guarantee seats for a large number of on site registrants. Therefore we ask anyone planning to attend to contact us as soon as possible to reserve your space.
Poster dimensions
Participants are requested to design posters with the following dimension:
- Maximum poster height: 120 cm
- Maximum poster width: 90 cm
Each poster will be given a unique number which correspond to the poster panel. Participants are requested to put up their poster during the lunch break on the day corresponding to their poster presentation so as to increase the opportunity for other participants to read it. Posters should be removed by the end of the day (before 7:00 pm), but can stay on the panels until then.
Abstracts information
Abstracts are limited to 200 words maximum. Please select your preference regarding a poster presentation or an oral presentation. Individuals who select both boxes will be considered for an oral presentation first. Note that due to a high number of submissions and limited number of slots, we will not be able to accommodate all requests for oral presentations. Selections for an oral presentation will be made by the scientific committee, factoring in both the author preferences and scientific quality of the submission.
Official poster of the conference
The official poster of the conference is available.