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IWORDD - International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia 05th May. - 06th May.

Oral Presentations

We have scheduled 20 minutes for the talks including 5 minutes for discussion.

In order to make sure that the oral sessions run on time, we would like to ask everyone to send their slides for the presentations in advance so that we can set up shared laptops for this purpose.

The two laptops have the following configurations:

- LAPTOP_1: MS Windows7 Pro, MS Office Standard 2010 SP1, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2015.010.20060 , Windows Media Player 11, VLC 2.2.2
- LAPTOP_2: Mac OSX 10.11.4 El Capitan, MS Office 2011 for Mac , KeyNote 6.5.3, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2015.010.20060, VLC 2.2.2, Quicktime 10.4.

Please send your presentation by e-mail to by May 4th so that we can test whether it works.

Please name the presentation according to the oral session the presentation is for (e.g.: OS-2.3 for Oral Session 2, third presentation). The presentations will be loaded in both computers.

Also note that during the registration, coffee and lunch breaks, presenters will be able to test their presentations for the upcoming session.


  • Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza

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