Palmieri, E. & Crispiani, P. .
University Macerata (Italy) Special Pedagogy, Italian Dyslexia Center
In this talk, the authors present the application of a programme designed to improve fluency of reading and self esteem, including both the research and functional gains. Champion LIRM (Intensive Reading and Speed Motor) treatment is a professional practice that helps dyslexic-dyspraxic children to maintain a high cognitive level providing fluid and automatic convergence of important components such as motor coordination, perception and language, while reading and writing. The practice, developed in the Crispiani Method, supported by scientific research of University in Macerata (Italy) is derived from theories of automaticity, cerebellar deficit and procedural learning, improving postural control, balance and motor skills, helping the cerebellum functions, and reducing oscillations of the head and trunk.
The aim of this special training is to improve fluency from a neurological point of view. The reading speed, translated as fluidity is the target obtained through an intensive therapy based on the repetition of physical activities and reading with positive impact and feedback on self - esteem.