Special symposium organized by ESCAN - European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Feedback processing and the brain: The ESCAN symposium at ESCoP. Maurits van der Molen, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam.
- Feedback processing in a hypothetico-deductive reasoning task Franck Vidal, Laurence Carbonnell, Henrique Sequeira & Jean-Paul Caverni
- Slowing after infrequent salient feedback irrespective of valence: Support for the orienting account Wim Notenbaert, Elena Nunez Castellar, Liesbeth Van der Borght & Wim Fias
- A tribute to Charlie Chaplin: How feedback-based learning benefits from watching slapstick comedy (and other dopamine-boosters) K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Nelleke C. van Wouwe, Guido P.H. Band, Irene van de Vijver, Wery van den Wildenberg & Scott A. Wylie
- Feedback-related processes during a time production task in young and older adults Michael Falkenstein, Nele Wild-Wall & Rita Willemssen
- Autonomic and brain correlates of social-evaluative feedback processing. Maurits van der Molen, Bregtje Gunther Moor & Eveline Crone