Vásquez, C. 1, 3 , Estévez, A. 2 , Ramírez, G. . 2 , Muñeton, M. . 1 & Ortiz, M. R. 2
1 Universidad de Antioquia
2 Universidad de la Laguna
3 Universidad EAFIT
Auditory and visual temporal processing are skills required in learning to read. Many studies suggest that various aspects of auditory and visual perception mature by school age. The purpose of this study is to asses if the temporal processing in visual and auditory modality with different type of stimuli (linguistic and non-linguistic) have differences among the different school age. Participated 470 Colombian children from 5 to 13 years who attended first to fifth grade of primary education. Children were tested on two perceptual tasks, visual and auditory tasks of temporal order judgment (TOJ) where children indicated which signal appeared firstly. We control the complexity of the stimuli across the
temporal and acoustical dimension, and the tasks had identical paradigms in both modalities. The results indicated significant differences, in auditory and visual temporal process, between two groups conformed by: 1) 1°-2°-3° grades and 2) 4°-5° grades. The analysis of group by visual and auditory stimuli (linguistics - nonlinguistic) showed that the performance of 4° and 5° groups was higher than 1°, 2° and 3° groups. These results can help to understand the role of temporal processing plays during school age.