Transparency and Sustainability

The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL), in line with its internal policies, legislation and recommendations that apply to non-profit organizations, and following the will of its partners, wishes to provide and make public information and data on its activities and operations in an open and accessible way.

We are still working to improve the quality and quantity of the data we want to provide through this means, so that we can make society more aware of the objectives we have and the actions we develop to try to achieve them, thus also contributing to the future sustainability of our project.

The association

BCBL holds the legal status of a non-profit-making association, under Basque and Spanish law in this respect.


Under the terms of Basque and Spanish legislation on Associations, these are governed by the Members Assembly and its Directors Board. This Association is a joint and strategic initiative of our founding trustees. Here you can download the incorporation agreement and the bylaws that govern the BCBL Association.


BCBL, constituted as a private non-profit association, has been granted a contracting authority, guaranteeing competition, transparency and publicity in the purchasing processes in accordance with the legislation in force. In the section of Contracting Profile is published on purchase processes is available, both previous and current, according to the in-force legislation on this matter.

Strategic plans

2009-2012 Strategic Plan
2013 Management Plan
2014-2017 Strategic Plan
2018-2021 Strategic Plan
2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Activity and annual reports, accounts and audits

Multiannual draft

2009 Annual Report | 2009 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2010 Annual Report | 2010 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2011 Annual Report | 2011 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2012 Annual Report | 2012 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2013 Annual Report | 2013 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2014 Annual Report | 2014 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2015 Annual Report | 2015 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2016 Annual Report | 2016 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2017 Annual Report | 2017 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2018 Annual Report | 2018 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2019 Annual Report | 2019 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2020 Annual Report | 2020 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2021 Annual Report | 2021 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2022 Annual Report | 2022 Annual Audit Report and Accounts
2023 Annual Report | 2023 Annual Audit Report and Accounts

Agreements with public administration

In addition to the funded research projects, , the following agreements have been signed with Public Administration or entities:

2008 Accession agreement with Ikerbasque Foundation
2008 Partnership framework agreement with Ikerbasque Foundation
2009-2012 BERC resolution of Basque Government
2012 Framework Agreement with Euskampus Foundation
2013 BERC Resolution Basque Government
2014-2017 BERC Resolution Basque Government
2015 Framework Agreement for collaboration with the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
2016 Framework Agreement for collaboration with Ikerbasque Foundation
2018 Support agreement for results transfer with Ikerbasque Foundation
2018 Collaboration agreement with Biocruces and Osakidetza
2018-2021 BERC Resolution Basque Government
202-2025 BERC Resolution Basque Government
All agreements are up to date at Section in this website