Keywords: computational neuroscience, computational modeling, cognitive modeling, machine learning, learning, network science, language processing, language development, language disorders, bilingualism
Research line: Computational neuroscience, particularly cognitive and neurobiological models of human speech recognition and language processing.
Jim Magnuson's research is aimed at understanding the cognitive, perceptual, and neurobiological bases of complex biological functions such as language, learning, and attention. He uses computational models to guide the development of cognitive and neurobiological theories of human function. His primary modeling frameworks are neural networks and network science. Magnuson also uses a variety of experimental methods to test predictions from theories and models.
Magnuson has published on a variety of topics, with particular focus on spoken language processing, development, and disorders. Magnuson's research has been funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the U.S. National Science Foundation, including an NSF CAREER award. He has also directed two interdisciplinary Ph.D. training programs at the University of Connecticut funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation: Neurobiology of Language, and Science of Learning & Art of Communication.
Research group: Computational Neuroscience
Program: Plan Nacional 2023, PID2023-149585NB-I00
Funding agency: Spanish Ministry
09/2024- 08/2024
Funding: 108.250 €
PI: James Magnuson
Program: PID2020-119131GB-I00
Funding agency: Spanish Ministry
09/2021- 08/2024
Funding: 84.700 €
PI: James Magnuson