Itzuli Aurreko ekintzak: Sebastian Lipina. Updates in the neuroscientific studies on childhood poverty

Sebastian Lipina. Updates in the neuroscientific studies on childhood poverty

- BCBL auditorium

What: Updates in the neuroscientific studies on childhood poverty

Where: BCBL auditorium

Who: Sebastian Lipina, PhD. Investigador National Council of Research (CONICET), Profesor Universidad de San Martin (UNSAM), Director Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

When: Monday, February 10th at 12 PM.

The aim of this presentation is to offer a summary of the contemporary evidence of neuroscientific studies of childhood poverty, in terms of: (1) the associations identified between different forms of poverty and changes in the nervous system with focus in self-regulatory processes, (b) the mediation of such associations by individual and contextual factors, and (c) the impact of the first generation of interventions. To conclude, I will share the main questions that currently guide this field of research, and some of the scientific and social implications of the available evidence.