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Saskia Haegens. Oscillatory building blocks underlying perception & cognition


What: Oscillatory building blocks underlying perception & cognition

Where:  Zoom room 2

Who: Saskia Haegens, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University & New York State Psychiatric Institute, NY, US; Associate PI at Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

When:  Thursday, December 2nd at 2:30 PM.

In daily life our brains receive a continuous stream of sensory input. Effective processing in a complex natural environment requires the selection of relevant information and suppression of irrelevant input. I am interested in how brain rhythms help shape the internal state prior to perception, and thereby influence processing of external information, e.g. in the context of sensory detection, discrimination and decision-making. In my lab we use several complementary methods to study these neuronal dynamics from the micro- to the macro-level, including spike and LFP recordings, ECoG, and MEG.