Neurolinguistics and aphasia

Neurolinguistics and aphasia

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The Neurolinguistics and Aphasia group focuses on the study of language comprehension, production and learning across a wide spectrum of populations from adult monolingual and bilingual speakers to language-impaired brain-damaged patients.

By using a variety of experimental methods (electrophysiology, eye tracking and behavioral paradigms), we investigate how basic syntactic structures and relations are built online, track their time course and electrophysiological correlates, and determine how these change at different stages of L2 learning or in the presence of language impairment.

Moreover, we develop standardized aphasia assessment tools that enable us to study how the breakdown of these core mechanisms can be reliably detected and treated in patients with brain damage.

Our team



Minissi, M.E., Antzaka, A., Mancini, S., & Lallier, M. (2025). Can playing video games enhance reading skills through more efficient serial visual search mechanisms? Insights from an eye tracking study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 40(2), 209-230. Doi:10.1080/23273798.2024.2411696
Thomas, T., Martin, C.D., & Caffarra, S. (2025). The impact of speaker accent on discourse processing: A frequency investigation. Brain and Language, 260. Doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2024.105509


Biondo, N., Ivanova, M.V., Pracar, A.L., Baldo, J., & Dronkers, N.F. (2024). Mapping sentence comprehension and syntactic complexity: evidence from 131 stroke survivors. Brain Communications, 6(6). Doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcae379


Antonicelli, G., & Rastelli, S. (2023). Event-related potentials in the study of L2 sentence processing: A scoping review of the decade 2010-2020. Language Acquisition, 30(2), 163-200. Doi:10.1080/10489223.2022.2141633

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