Back What is it like to work at BCBL?

At BCBL we are flexible, result-oriented people who enjoy collaborating and working as a team. We are a dynamic, international, and multidisciplinary team, and work together to advance science. 


Code of Ethics and Conduct

BCBL is committed to excellent management. In May 2016, our center adopted the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code, C&C); these two documents contain 40 principles with recommendations on the responsibilities and obligations of researchers, employers, and funders regarding ethical and professional aspects of management, recruitment processes, and working conditions for researchers.

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Help for researchers

BCBL is a research centre where people of more than 35 nationalities work together. The integration of our new colleagues is key for us. Therefore, we have a Plan and a Welcome Team available to provide information and assistance to newcomers in their settling process in San Sebastian.

In addition, we have qualified and committed support staff in the labs, IT, and administration departments who do their best to facilitate the scientific activity of each researcher. 

Prevention against harassment and violence at workplace and Equality Policy and Plan

Since 2018 BCBL has been part of the Erantzunkide network. This NETWORK integrates companies and institutions which are applying measures for co-responsible work-life balance developed within the framework of the Provincial Council's “Etorkizuna Eraikiz” initiative, where challenges are identified and key initiatives for the future of the territory are experimented. This project has resulted in the improvement of our equality policy, as well as the design of an equality and work-life balance plan, which actively contributes both to the well-being and the work-atmosphere of the BCBL.

Equality Plan and Policy

Procedure for Preventing Workplace violence and harassment


We are currently developing an LGTBIQ+ Plan aimed at ensuring the real and effective rights and equality of LGTBIQ+ individuals within BCBL's academic and work environment.

Conciliation Plan

At BCBL we look after the well-being and life-quality of our team. This is why we have a wide range of measures designed and implemented in accordance with the diversity of our international team, changing environment and multidisciplinary activity.

What makes us different?

  • International workplace in a culturally vibrant city
  • Comprehensive arrival support
  • Support staff in the labs, IT and administration departments, all committed to facilitating research
  • A wide range of measures for work-life balance and healthy working environment
  • HRS4R Excellence in Research
  • Constantly improving: two-yearly satisfaction survey and action plan
  • Annual day-long retreat for all employees
  • Ombudsteam for guidance and conflict mediation
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Spanish and Basque language classes for newcomers
  • State-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure
  • Open management in our laboratories