BCBL is committed to excellence in human resources management. That is why the center acceded to the principles established in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for hiring researchers (Chater and code, C&C), two documents containing the 40 principles with recommendations about the responsibilities and duties of researches, employers and funders in relation to the ethical and professional aspects, recruitment processes and working conditions of researchers.
In February 2017, the BCBL was granted the official acknowledgement of the European Commission to excellence in research human resources management and works continuously on its human resources policies and strategies.
As part of the aforementioned process, the BCBL has a Working Group composed of staff members belonging to management, administration and researchers of all experience levels. Every two years we carry out assessments and working environment surveys and outline an action plan to implement ongoing improvement measures.
CYCLE 1: Initial phase - Award achievement 2016 (related PDFs at link):
CYCLE 1: Implementation Phase 2017-2021 (pdf-s at "Documents" section below):
CYCLE 1: Renewal Phase 2022-2023 (pdf-s at "Documents" section below):
CYCLE 2: Renewal phase 2024-2027
Currently working on the internal review for the Renewal Assessment and the HRS4R Action Plan 2024-2027
HR Strategy - HRS4R